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Performance by Kinga Tóth / When the Word Comes Alive

 sacrality, eco-feminism, performative poetry by Kinga Tóth

September 6, 17:00 – 18:30, Central European University in Vienna, Auditorium

Kinga Tóth 

writer, visual and sound-poet, performer, teacher, translator writes in Hungarian, German and English languages and presents her work in performances, exhibitions, and international installations, festivals. She is also a philologist and a teacher, gives lectures and workshops international and also works as a journalist and copy editor of art magazines and as a cultural program organizer. She studied German Literature and Linguistic (MA) and Communication Theory and Praxis (MA) with specialisation of Printed Media, Online Media, Art and Communication, started her PhD research about Nun-art on the University of Debrecen and continues her artistic research on the Paris-London University at the Mozarteum in Salzburg by Art and Science. Her main focus is performative and experimental literature and recycled-art.


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